Energy Community Recognizes RGC R&D Project as the Most Significant for Hydrogen Energy Development in Ukraine

23 June 2013. Kyiv. According to the Energy Community Secretariat, RGC is implementing the largest R&D project required for Ukraine’s transition to hydrogen energy.

23 June 2013. Kyiv. According to the Energy Community Secretariat, RGC is implementing the largest R&D project required for Ukraine’s transition to hydrogen energy.

Ukraine has the largest prospects for the development of “green” hydrogen energy among all member-states of the Energy Community. This is one of the outcomes of the Study on the potential for implementation of hydrogen technologies and its utilization in the Energy Community published on 17 June 2021 by the Secretariat of the Energy Community. 

“Given the extensive network of gas infrastructure, industrial sector and good conditions for renewable energy production, Ukraine has the highest potential for the development of clean hydrogen,” the study noted.

It goes on to say that the RGC hydrogen project is the largest research program that will allow Ukraine to deliver on its potential and give real substance to the status of the strategic partner of the European Union within the frameworks of the hydrogen strategy. The study notes that transportation and distribution networks will allow to use the existing opportunities of the country.

“It is important for Ukraine to be ready to use hydrogen simultaneously with Europe. This is the maximum task for the European integration of our energy sector. The goal of our hydrogen project is identical to similar programs in European countries. It is necessary to scientifically confirm the certainty about the safest proportion of the hydrogen-gas mixture taking into account the current state of the networks and the understanding of what materials will allow to enhance the safety of hydrogen transportation,” said Oleg Nikonorov, CEO, RGC.

According to the study by the Energy Community Secretariat, Ukraine needs to develop standards, safety rules and clear responsibilities with respect to hydrogen and its use in existing gas networks. This is also necessary for all new gases, i.e. biogas and biomethane that can be transported in the networks currently used to transport the natural gas.

Experts noted that hydrogen, biogas and biomethane will provide additional incentives for the development of decentralized distribution of new gases in Ukraine. Gasification of rural areas, where the economy does not justify the traditional connection to gas networks, will be promising; new gases will provide reliable supply to decentralized areas, which are vulnerable to network disruptions, and enhance the safety of supply to peripheral areas located near the borders.
The study by the Energy Community Secretariat emphasizes that in order to deliver on the above mentioned potential the existing distribution networks will need investments, as many of them are in a poor condition, which keeps deteriorating.

RGC hydrogen project began in February 2020 and is scheduled until 2025. Since August 2020, the tests have been underway at five special test sites - in Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk and Kharkiv regions. Real models of regional gas distribution networks have been reproduced at the test sites. RGC finances the project, all scientific laboratories and additional experiments to be held by a consortium of scientific institutions headed by Naftogazbudinformatika. According to the plan, RGC hydrogen project will exceed 180 tests and experiments.

Since May 2021, RGC has added a biomethane project to its portfolio of Green Deal programs: a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation was signed with the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine (UABIO).

Note. Regional Gas Company is a service company that develops innovative and comprehensive solutions for the energy sector designed to improve the quality of customer service, upgrade the industry and implement the European practices for DSOs. RGC brand brings together 20 gas DSOs servicing more than 250,000 km of gas pipelines and more than 8,000,000 gas consumers.