Ukrainian gasmen create 3D models of gas networks with the help of satellite equipment and neural networks

Specialists of the Regional Gas Company with the help of modern satellite equipment and neural networks, create three-dimensional models of gas networks. It provides a qualitative determination of the location of underground gas pipelines with an accuracy of up to 3 cm

Specialists of the Regional Gas Company with the help of modern satellite equipment and neural networks, create three-dimensional models of gas networks. It provides a qualitative determination of the location of underground gas pipelines with an accuracy of up to 3 cm. Such works within the first stage of implementation of the technology are carried out in the gas distribution companies "Lvivgas", "Rivnegas", "Ivano-Frankivskgas," and "Volyngas". Next year, the project will be implemented at all gas distribution companies operating under the RGC brand.

Neural networks, which gas distribution companies have adopted, build high-precision 3D models of underground gas pipelines during construction, replacement, or reconstruction. The same technology will inform about the progress of work on connecting to gas networks.

Three-dimensional "shots" created by artificial intelligence provide gas workers with a full range of technical information, giving an understanding of how deep the networks are laid, what diameter they are, and where and with what communications they intersect. This allows us to conduct virtual tours of gas pipelines without excavations, remotely monitor the progress of work, assess their volume and quality, consumption of materials, and fix problem areas. These technologies make it possible to calculate and control estimates, earthworks volumes, necessary materials, etc., as accurately as possible in seconds.

To create 3D models of gas pipelines, specialists use smartphones with navigation software and GNSS receivers that receive location data from navigation satellites. Modern equipment allows you to create maps of gas networks with an accuracy that was not available before.

"Previously, a deviation was allowed, which was measured in meters. Therefore, it was sometimes necessary to clarify the location of gas pipelines before modernization. Now geospatial data with satellite accuracy is automatically entered into the RGC GIS software package, which contains the complete data on the location of gas pipelines and structures. This facilitates the work of all specialists involved in supervising the state of gas distribution networks, their repair, construction, and modernization," says Sergiy Bondar, RGC Technical Director.

This provides a new technological level of work for gas distribution companies operating under the RGC brand and puts them on a par with European and world operators of gas distribution systems in terms of development and applied technologies.