RGC hydrogen project was added to the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance investment project pipeline

December 1, 2021, Kyiv. RGC hydrogen project listed among 750 projects selected by the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance (ECHA) and added to the investment projects pipeline.

December 1, 2021, Kyiv. RGC hydrogen project listed among 750 projects selected by the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance (ECHA) and added to the investment projects pipeline.

ECHA set up under the auspices of the European Commission, presented the pipeline of hydrogen projects that included the RGC hydrogen project. The purpose of the project pipeline is to consolidate all parts of the EU hydrogen market and to match specific projects with investors and financing.

“RGC presents the hydrogen project designed to study the impact of hydrogen and hydrogen mixtures on gas distribution networks. At present, thanks to RGC research and development, Ukraine is well positioned on the European hydrogen map and can unlock the powerful potential to develop the market for hydrogen and other synthetic gases,” said Stanislav Kazda, RGC Strategic Development Director, and Hydrogen Project Manager.

Alliance members originally submitted over 1,000 projects for the investment pipeline. The Commission assessed these projects against a set of criteria including project scope, project size, project maturity, and emission reductions. Following this assessment, the pipeline included 750 projects from various sectors of the hydrogen market, including 163 projects in transmission and distribution, featuring RGC hydrogen projects.

RGC hydrogen project: a program designed to get the gas distribution systems ready to supply hydrogen and other “green” synthetic gases to the customers. The project has been implemented since 2020 when 5 RGC special test sites were established for hydrogen tests on gas networks and equipment. Scientific and research partners of the project include 8 academic institutions, including the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU).